Diet and Supplements Help a Person Get All the Many Benefits of Vitamin C

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When someone hears about vitamin C, they are likely brought back to their childhood. They get a cold or flu and their parents tell them to make sure they rest and get enough vitamin C. Maybe they are given a vitamin C pill or a few glasses of orange juice to help with this and then they get healthier over time. That’s certainly one benefit of vitamin C, but it’s far from the only one. Vitamin C can help the body and it’s health in so many different ways than just helping someone recover from a minor illness. Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins that a person can take on a day to day basis. Thankfully, there’s many sources of vitamin C for a person’s diet and supplements are always an option as well. This article is going to take a brief look at some of the many great benefits a person can have from getting enough vitamin C. 

1 - Can Help Blood Pressure

It’s well known that blood pressure is one of the most common indicators of potential serious medical conditions. Despite this fact, a huge proportion (around ⅓) of Americans are known to have high blood pressure! The good news is that vitamin C is a simple and effective way to help with this. Vitamin C can help to relax blood vessels that are carrying blood to the heart. It should be noted that studies are showing this as a short term benefit and it’s not known if the effect would last past stopping taking vitamin C supplements, but the hope is there. 

2 - Can Help Deal With Gout

Gout is a very painful form of arthritis that happens when a body is producing too much uric acid. This waste can crystallize in a person’s joints until they are feeling a lot of pain. The good news is that there have been multiple tests and studies that have shown a big reduction in uric acid when people are getting enough vitamin C. It is even more pronounced when people are taking a vitamin C supplement. Avoiding this kind of pain is certainly a tidy benefit of getting enough vitamin C. 

3 - Helps the Immune System

Here we come to the main benefit that most people know about vitamin C and what most people associate with this useful vitamin. However, more than just being useful in fighting the common cold. Vitamin C helps to boost the immune system in a number of ways. It can help white blood cells produce in a more plentiful manner. In addition, it also helps them be more effective as they fight unwelcome bacteria and invaders of the body. Vitamin C is important at the point of entry into the body as well. It helps function as an antioxidant and strengthens a body’s skin against potential infections, viruses and unwelcome items. 

4 - Helps Fight Chronic Diseases

The last point about the immune system is very important when it comes to vitamin C. It is one of the most powerful antioxidants that a person can consume. This helps protect the body’s cells from free radicals. By keeping a consistent level of vitamin C in a person’s diet, they can ensure their body is doing everything it can to avoid undergoing oxidative stress. This state of the body is linked to a seemingly endless number of chronic problems. It’s always better to avoid getting a disease then being able to cure it, so this is a huge benefit for Vitamin C.